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Week 8


Class Works

1. Orthogonal Presentation


What is section?

Section is any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up.

It is showing an area or hidden part of an object by cutting away or removing some of that object.

The cut line is called a “cutting plane”, and can be done in several ways: vertical or horizontal, but the most often used is the vertical one.

What is an orthographic drawing?

A two-dimensional drawing of a three-dimensional object, using two or more additional drawings to show additional views of the object.

Orthographic views are 2D images of a 3D object obtained by viewing it from different orthogonal directions: top, bottom, front, rear, left, and right views. However, three of the six views are regarded as standard views.

For the section drawing, it allows you to see the interior section in 2D drawing from side point of view showing the height of the space, the materials within the building or space, the structure and construction of the space also other intangible elements like how the light penetrates in, the movement of people, etc

The universal consistencies I have found in the section drawing are the use of line weights, width, height, dimension, materials/texture.

Symbols and notation can be used to show the intangible element existed and other details that want to be shown in the drawing. The notation can also be used to annotate the details of the materials used in the drawing

Line weight is also important to show the difference in materiality within the space, for example, to show difference between the exterior and interior wall, window, glass, etc

Some examples of historical styles of the section drawing:

2. Body Diagram

Drawing a body diagram with breaking 'the whole' down into parts or we called it segmenting. The measurement and scale are important for the drawing in order to create a proportional diagram. This diagram includes all the measurements ranging from height of the body, step length, hand span, foot length, arm extended above head, arms down, height of knees, hips, shoulders, naval, chin and eye

3. Measurements from Urban Square

The floor plan and detail (bench) measurement:

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