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Week 6


Class Work

Diagrams for Communicating Interiors

Focus: Intangible qualities of space

My Journey Diagram

The diagram that shows the my journey from home to RMIT. Using linework, shading, color and hatching I tried to translate the immaterial qualities which include: sound, quality of light, atmosphere as well as my path movement along the journey into this diagram page. I also used tracing paper to overlay the A3 drawing with more detail which include the color and traced lineworks of the diagram. I tried to make it as simple as possible so that it can be understood easily by people. One thing that I would like to add from the diagram is notation in which it is essential to give clear explanation or information of what I have drawn on the diagram

The Observation of the Urban Square site.

These are my observation of the Urban Square. The area I observed ranged from the inside of the court as well as the outside of the court which is the seating area. The first thing that I noticed as I was entering the space was the quality of light existed within the space, then I was also captivated by the movement of the basketball players and therefore I tried to capture it in a small diagram drawing. As I observed more of the area, I noticed that there was a big difference between the area within the court and outside the court. Inside the court, the movement was so rapid and fast while outside it was lot more settle as people just sat down and relaxed while enjoying the view so there was less activity happening here. As I closed my eyes, I could also hear lots of noises came from the chattering and laughing of the people around me, the sound of the foot stomp of basketball player, the dribbling sound of the ball and many more. It was such a busy area. Beside that, from behind, I could also feel the wind pushed me slightly, giving a little breeze for my body. As I walked closer to the seating area, I could also smell a quite strong barbecue which I did not know where it came from.

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