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Week 4


'Model making based on NGV experience'

Class Activities

Model Making Based on NGV experience as well as its diorama~

In this week's task, we were asked to recall 10 moments we've experienced from NGV, and formed the basis of a story or sequence that we would then illustrate in 3 dimensions. Below, I've made 6 models that represented the elements I captured from Escher X Nendo exhibition and a diorama that concluded 3 aspects of element from the models I've made earlier.

1. Symmetrical Zooming Space

The first model I made represents symmetrical pattern as both sides possess the exact same pattern of the line figures. I also tried to emphasis the perspective by making the space gradually became smaller as it went further but then it enlarged again at the end. This perspective idea was actually inspired from the zooming house in Escher X Nendo exhibition. The diminishing height would accentuate the perspective when viewed from the front and making the path appeared much longer than it was. Moreover, if you looked closely, you could also see the shadow created from the cut hole as if it created some kind of pattern.

2. Repetitive pattern

In this model, I was trying to capture Escher's idea of repeated interlocking shapes, or could be known as tessellations. This kind of paper folding technique allowed shapes to be repeated to infinity which matched Escher's fascination in tessellation.

3. Geometric pattern

Along the exhibition, I could see geometrical forms, patterns, and shapes all over the area, for example the use of house motif itself and Escher's investigation of the perfect geometry of crystals and platonic solid. Therefore in this model making, I wanted to transfer those idea by creating my own 3D models which captured all aspect of geometry in terms of forms, shape and patterns.

4. Transforming Sound

Walking through the gallery of the transforming house installation, I could hear the sound of instrument being played. In my opinion, even through instrument, they wanted to accentuate that only with few notes of music, many different melodies of songs could be created, and it was all possible because of repetition with a slight of variation. In this model, you could see the repetitive circles as the representative of the repetitive notes of music, but with a slight variation of their size to create varied soundwave which would then represent the different melodies of songs produced.

5. Emerging Forms

This model was created based on the concept of the emerging house bench in which the house forms gradually emerged from the bench on one side and becoming more visible. In here, I tried to modify the emerging concept by using triangle forms in which it also gradually emerged, becoming larger and more visible on one side.

6. Alternating black and white colors

This idea was initially used in the zooming house perspective. The gallery used the alternating black and white color for the interior space in order to exaggerate the recession of the space. Therefore in here, I tried to capture the alternating color concept with using diminished size of square patterns which were painted in black and white.

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